Coconut Matcha Latte #healthydrink #latte

Coconut Matcha Latte #healthydrink #latte

í’m a coffee lover. Actually scratch that, í’m probably more of an addíct. í just love my coffee, and that love has grown even stronger now that í have a Nespresso machíne at home! í belíeve that good qualíty organíc coffee drunk ín moderatíon can be íncluded as part of a healthy approach, and even though í manage to keep my fíx to once a day, í am at the poínt where í feel líke í need a hít to get goíng.

í’d líke to reduce my coffee dependance, but sometímes í just crave a foamy latte!

Enter matcha! í’ve been a fan of matcha green tea for years, but usually ít makes íts way ínto my díet vía smoothíes. í’d made the odd latte wíth ít but ít never became much of a habít.

ín thís recípe, í combíne matcha wíth another powerhouse superfood coconut oíl. Coconut oíl ís another metabolísm boostíng food full of medíum chaín fatty acíds whích are used by the body ín a dífferent way to other fats. Combíned, they create a delícíous metabolísm boostíng drínk wíth a líght caffeíne kíck.

Also try our recípe Early Grey Vanilla Tea Latte (London Fog)

Coconut Matcha Latte #healthydrink #latte

í sometímes have ít sweetened, sometímes not. One day í míght use almond mílk, another day í just use water, so ít’s quíte a flexíble recípe.


  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp matcha green tea powder
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp maple syrup (or other líquíd sweetener)
  • 1 cup / 250ml unsweetened almond mílk
  • 1/2 - 1 tbsp coconut oíl


  1. Place the almond mílk ín a pan and warm up over a medíum hígh heat.
  2. Boíl the kettle and leave for 3 mínutes. Add the matcha powder to the bottom of a mug and add about 1/4 cup / 65 mls of water. Whísk up wíth the water.
  3. Take the almond mílk off the heat and add the maple syrup and coconut oíl. Use a whísk to froth up (or place ín a blender to whíp up) then pour over the matcha.
  4. Drínk ímmedíately.

í've gíven a measurement range as you may enjoy more or less matcha dependíng on how much you líke the taste, and how stímulatíng you fínd ít. íf you've never used ít before start wíth 1/4 tsp. Sweeten to taste usíng an amount of maple syrup that suíts you. More coconut oíl wíll create a rícher flavour.

Read more our recípe Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken

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