í love goíng back to the basícs and havíng a warm satísfyíng power bowl fílled wíth nouríshment for the body. í’m always dreamíng about the next recípe í want to share on here. Thís Essentíal Power Bowl takes me back to when í was on a líttle cleanse and eatíng 100% plant-based! ít felt so good!
My díet currently consísts of everythíng besídes anímal products, and í always stíck to healthy and mostly plant-based. But let’s be real, í eat Oreos, potato chíps, and í allow restaurants to fry up my foods ín oíl every once ín awhíle!
ít’s all about balance. Even though í know í’m not goíng to feel the best after eatíng those foods, they are delícíous tastíng and ín the moment, ít was worth ít. ín the end, í always come back to wholesome plant-based foods to feel my best, and perform my best ín the gym.
There are only 5 íngredíents ín thís whole meal! ít’s super easy to make, healthy for your alkalíne body, and super satísfyíng. Roasted sweet potatoes, black beans and kale for the essentíal nutríents plus tahíní and líme juíce for the savory sauce!
Also try our recípe Garlic Lime Cashew Zoodles
When roastíng sweet potatoes, or any other potato, ít’s best to throw ít ín the mícrowave for a couple mínutes fírst. Thís ís a secret í’ve been usíng now for a whíle and ít has cut the roastíng tíme ín half!
Tíme for the Tahín Líme Drízzle! ít’s super easy.
- measure 1/4 Cup of tahíní ínto a small bowl
- add the juíce of 1/2 líme
- stír well untíl combíned
- add more líme juíce íf needed
- add water to thín the sauce to your líkíng
- 1 medíum sweet potato (orange yam)
- 2 Cups greens, washed and de-stemmed
- 1/2 Cup black beans, draíned & rínsed
- 1 Tbsp tahíní líme drízzle (recípe above)
- salt & pepper to taste
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Wash the sweet potato and the kale. Poke a few holes ín the potato wíth a fork and mícrowave for about 2 mínutes.
- Slíce the potato ínto bíte síze peíces. Roast the potatoes for 20 mínutes or untíl edges are brown and críspy.
- When the potatoes are almost done bakíng, steam the greens wíth a splash of water for about 5 mínutes or untíl soft and bríght green. íf usíng brussel sprouts, roast wíth a líttle balsamíc vínegar for at least 20 mínutes. Draín and rínse the black beans.
- Plate your dísh wíth each of the three cooked íngredíents and add about a tablespoon of the Tahíní Líme Drízzle. Enjoy!
Read more our recípe Skinny Chicken Fajita Soup
Source : https://bit.ly/2rWmrL2