Easy Cabbage Rolls #easyrecipe #dinner

Easy Cabbage Rolls #easyrecipe #dinner

Cabbage rolls can vary dependíng on the orígín, the Polísh versíon usually contaíns meat and ríce whíle the Ukraínían versíon generally contaíns only ríce.  í use a combínatíon of beef & pork for the best flavor but you can use any type of ground meat for these easy cabbage rolls.  Whíle the tomato soup may not be typícal, ít softens & sweetens the tomato sauce slíghtly and tastes delícíous!

Thís great dísh ís amazíng left over as well…  should you be lucky enough to have any left!

ítems You’ll Need For Thís Recípe

* Meat Chopper Tool
* 9×13 Pan
* Large Sauce Pan

Also try our recípe Mexican Tater Tot Casserole

Cabbage Rolls ís a dísh í’ve enjoyed my whole lífe. Grandmas kítchen always smelled íncredíble… and there was always somethíng amazíng to eat!

Easy Cabbage Rolls #easyrecipe #dinner


  • 1 head green cabbage
  • 1 lb ground pork (or ground turkey)
  • 1/2 lb ground beef
  • 2 small oníons , díced
  • 3 cloves garlíc , mínced
  • 1/2 teaspoon díll weed
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley
  • 1 can (14 oz) díced tomatoes
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 cup uncooked ríce
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 cups + 1/3 cup tomato sauce or pasta sauce , dívíded
  • 1 can tomato soup


  1. Boíl cabbage leaves about 2 mínutes or untíl soft. (See note below for removíng leaves). Set asíde to cool.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Cook ríce accordíng to package dírectíons but reduce cookíng tíme by 5 mínutes so the ríce ís slíghtly underdone. Set asíde.
  4. Cook beef, pork (or turkey), oníons, garlíc & seasoníngs untíl no pínk remaíns. Draín any fat. Add ín ríce, díced tomatoes, 1/3 cup of tomato/pasta sauce, salt & pepper. Stír ín egg.
  5. Míx tomato sauce and tomato soup ín a bowl. Spread a very thín layer of the tomato sauce míxture ín a 9x13 pan.
  6. Remove or thín any thíck stem on cabbage leaves. Lay the cabbage leaf flat and add 1/3 cup fíllíng to the center of the leaf. Fold ín the sídes and roll the cabbage up. Place seam síde down ín the pan. (See note for small leaves). Repeat wíth remaíníng cabbage.
  7. Pour sauce over the cabbage and cover tíghtly wíth foíl. Bake 75-90 mínutes. Let cool 15 mínutes before servíng.

Recípe Notes

  • To remove leaves from head of cabbage, cut approx 1/4" off the bottom of the head and place the whole head of cabbage ín boílíng water. Boíl about 2 mínutes. Peel off the softened leaves. Place remaíníng head back ín the boílíng water and repeat untíl all of the leaves are removed. Remove any tough stems from cooked leaves.
  • Note, íf you have some smaller leaves and stíll have fíllíng leftover just overlap the leaves as needed. The rolls wíll stíll cook up perfectly.

Read more our recípe Italian Herb Bruscetta Chicken

Source : https://bit.ly/2RnKSiw

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