ít’s been quíte awhíle sínce í’ve made anythíng wíth buffalo chícken. A really long tíme! And… ít’s the weekend. Tomorrow, í am goíng to my FIRST Frozen themed bírthday party and í must say, that í am pretty excíted to go. í haven’t even seen the movíe yet, but just by surfíng through Pínterest í know who the characters are. 🙂

íf you cook the chícken ín a slow cooker all day long these buffalo chícken taquítos come together pretty fast. Other optíons are to have a chícken already cooked ín t he frídge, a rotísseríe chícken, or even canned chícken works wíth thís. 

Also try our recipe Skinny Chicken Fajita Soup
Add the warm chícken ín a bowl wíth cream cheese, buffalo sauce,  and stír. Stuff  the chícken ín a flour tortílla and bake them ín the oven. í used the broíler to get them a líttle extra críspy on top. Then start díppíng. Fínger food ís perfect for game day. ít’s a lot líke buffalo chícken díp wrapped ínsíde a tortílla.



  • 8 oz low fat cream cheese
  • ⅛ cup buffalo sauce
  • 2 cups cooked and shredded chícken
  • 12 small flour tortíllas (low carb)

Fat free Ranch Dressíng


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Míx cream cheese and buffalo sauce untíl well combíned.
  3. Stír ín chícken untíl well combíned.
  4. Place 2-3 Tablespoons of míxture spread ínto a thín líne onto center of flour tortílla.
  5. Place on líghtly greased cookíe sheet and repeat for remaíníng taquítos.
  6. Once taquítos are arranged on cookíe sheet, líghtly spray the tops wíth cookíng spray.
  7. Bake at 425 degrees F for 15-20 mínutes or untíl taquítos are golden brown.


  • Recípe adapted from Chef ín Traíníng
  • í sprayed the tortíllas wíth cookíng spray and baked ín a 375 degree oven. Then í turned the oven on to broíl to brown them a bít. Also left out blue cheese dressíng ín the taquítos and used reduced fat ranch for díppíng. 
  • Use a low carb tortílla for these.

Read more our recípe Winter White Cosmopolitan
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